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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer of 7 wrap up!

This summer we decided to do the summer of Seven.  My hat goes off to Jen Hatmaker who wrote : "7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess".   She and her family took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence.

I'd love to tell you we did a great job with our Seven weeks of 7.  We didn't.  We failed, stumbled and had some little victories along the way.   Take for instances -  

Possessions- Part 2.  I thought this week would be a piece of cake but it wasn't.  It was hard for several reasons.  The first reason- the weather!  Going in the attic on 100 degree days sucks the life out of me!  The second reason is I don't want to deal with some of the items I have stored.  For instance- my wedding dress, a lovely Oriental rug my parents bought me when I was young and single but it's not practical with little ones... these are difficult to part with.  I'm stumbling, I'm procrastinating, and I'm, well- a little bit addicted to things that "bring back" memories.  There I said it, it's ringing in my ears-  I'm a little bit addicted to things that "bring back" memories.  So, these items are still in the closet.  Yep, I'm holding on to things I don't need and are taking up room in a closet.  We have given away a bunch of things and life feels a little lighter but I still have a few thing I'm holding on to.

Media -  My dear sweet husband told me I was on my own and boy was it hard.  We don't have cable or Netflix or any gaming system so this was a Facebook Fast.  This week was painful and I cheated  (gasp)!  I learned that I need to have better self control when it comes to Facebook.  The remained of the weeks limited myself on Facebook and l learned I can check in on FB once or twice a day!

Spending-  I planned to make no purchases during this week.  What was I thinking when I set the dates for this challenge??  I picked tax free weekend.  We did buy school supplies and some clothing.

Food-    I tried to figure out what we would eat and it would have been pizza every day.  Blah. We already have food limitations which can be difficult.   Henry cannot eat dairy or soy and Igor is a vegetarian.  Have you ever tried to buy food, any food- bread, crackers, granola, or ice cream cones that are soy and dairy free.  It makes my head spin.  I have enough food stress in my life already so we skipped this week.

Speaking of stress- Stress- We were going to do five pauses for prayer.  I will be starting this next week when this kiddos start school.  I think I will be more successful then.

So, I have one more week and I'll be done with my summer of 7.  I have a lot of thoughts and maybe some insights about 7 (me) but I'll save them until I do the five pauses for prayer.