Our agency has told us the more referrals will be coming this month! It is so exciting to know that children will be revealed to their parents in February. I remember getting our referral for Igor; it was such an exciting day, week, month....
This morning when I woke up the first thought I had was, please Lord, don't give us a referral this month.... I know, it's a very strange thought. We have been on the adoption journey since May of 2007, why would I think such a thought?
Honestly, I want more time with my little boy. Igor has been with us since November 2005, but for a lot of that time he has been learning English and adjusting. His personality is finally shinning through while the "orphanage Igor" is fading away. Since Christmas Igor has being going through a really rough time. He has had trouble expressing himself verbally. It has frustrated him and us. The poor little guy has been sooo miserable. We finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think last week was a turning point. We have had a few "moments" but they have been moments not hours. Our sweet, beautiful little boy is finally returning and I want to savor this time with him.... alone.
As I think back on the last few days, I treasure some interesting and sweet moments with my boy. Last week Igor saw a dead possum on the road and a very alive vulture. He asked me to pull over so we could watch the vulture. We watched for about 30 minutes as the vulture pulled the possum to the curb and enjoyed lunch. Igor was fascinated by the cycle of life and the food chain. (I am banking on treasures from heaven for this one.)
Yesterday, before church he told us that he was taking a toy car to church to show his "buddies". Rob and I chuckled quietly when he said "buddies" not only is it a new word for Igor but it's the first time he's acknowledged that he has friends (plural).
Igor loves climbing into bed with me in the morning. When I get out of bed to pick out his clothes he rolls on my side of the bed and says, “Mom, I’m in your warm spot” (I’m on your side of the bed.) The mischievous smile on his face is priceless.
I could go on and on with my Igor stories but you get the point. It's not that I don't want our new son to be revealed to us, I DO! I don't want son #2 to stay in the orphanage one more day.... I just want a little more time with Igor. The good news is God has a perfect plan for our family. I know that our referral will happen at His perfect timing, not mine. So, if we get a referral this month, I will rejoice and spend as much time as I can with Igor before son #2 comes home.