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We are going PINK- we are adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. We'll be sharing our journey to adopt our daughter!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Henry's Giardia Diet

I was going to reintroduce milk into Henry's diet this week. I hadn't seen any difference in Henry's tummy troubles since removing dairy from his diet. Igor had ice cream on Wednesday and Henry wanted some. I gave him a few bites of ice cream and the results were unfavorable.

I spoke with 3 difference dietitians/nutritionists last week. All were very helpful and provided me with some good information. The nutritionists aren't sure if Henry is lactose intolerant or if his GI tract is reacting to the fat in the ice cream. Either way, Henry is off dairy for a bit longer.

They want Henry to eat 5 or more small meals a day. We are increasing the amount of fiber in Henry's diet. This includes raisins and nuts in his oatmeal, adding 2 tablespoons of wheat germ to his food and making sure he eats plenty of fruits (berries, grapes, apples with the skin on...) and veggies (beans, peas, chickpeas....). Henry should have at least 5 half-cup servings per day. The nutritionists wanted to make sure I was not giving Henry fruit juice. I'm not. They said fruit juice goes right through little tummy's so no fruit juice.

They wanted to limit Henry's refined sugar consumption. When I shared Henry's diet they agreed that his sugar intake was low so no worries there.

They want Henry to eat some fat but in small portions. They think that food high in fat could aggravate his GI tract.

They all agreed that Henry should go back on probiotics.

Here are a few other tips:
The label on the bread should read "100% whole wheat" or "100% whole grain" for the highest fiber content.
Pasta made from whole wheat or whole grain contain up to 6 times the amount of fiber than white pasta.
Breakfast cereal should not contain more than 10 grams of sugar per serving.

The changes to Henry's diet are not significant but maybe just enough to make a difference.


Melodie Monberg said...

I've been reading about Henry...has he ever been tested for a wheat intolerance? Mine didn't show up officially on the test but when I removed gluten, my life suddenly changed. It was a thought if all this doesn't work!


E said...

Henry's diet sounds like mine & I've never had giardia. High fat things & milk upset my stomach, too! I cam really sympathize with him! These aren't organic but if Henry likes English Muffins, Thomas makes some that are super high in fiber and very tasty! There's the Hearty Grains one that has 5g/serving...then there's the Light one that has 8! Both are made without high fructose corn syrup & with whole grains...I don't know about the % though. :) They're both low in fat, too. Of course, if he has celiac's disease as the previous commenter suggests, these might not be a good pick. Because we don't know Abel's family history, his pediatrician did run the blood test for Celiac's just to be sure. I don't know the cost involved, but it might help to know one way or the other. Definitely if he does have it, but it might be nice to rule out considering all his tummy troubles!

Blessings to you guys this week!


Team Dragovich said...

Hey Candy! Sounds like you have a lot of things to work through with Henry's diet. I just ordered a grain mill and bread maker-- talk about "granola"!! I have been wanting to start grinding my own grain into flour for a few years now, I just had to finally take the plunge. I might be crazy, but I'll have fun being the little red hen in the process :)

Thank you, by the way, for your sweet comment on my fb wall. It was hard news to stomach, but only when I live in my little perspective of things. Certainly all is not lost and we will just keep on "keepin' on" :)