In May, Henry decided that he was old enough to dress himself. Every morning after breakfast he runs to his dresser to pick out his outfit and dresses in private. Almost every morning he comes downstairs dressed in shorts and a shirt that match. Last week he put on his shirt backwards. When I gently mentioned this to him he said it was okay. If he was okay with it, I was okay with it. My boy is teaching me not to sweat the small stuff in life.
After Henry gets dressed Rob and I say, "Henry, you look good!" Now when we get dressed Henry tells us we look good. My boy puts a smile on my face every morning.

My Friend, Riana's mother-in-law bought Henry a South African soccer jersey. Henry loves it. He would wear it everyday if it was clean. Last week he decided his jersey needed to be dressed up a bit. All day he wore his jersey and Batman tie. He is creating his own style.
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